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Mother's Day 2015

For reasons I'll never know, the woman who gave birth to me is not my mother. But today, especially, my heart goes out to her. She did a brave and wonderful thing for which I’m grateful. Wherever she is today, I wish her a Happy Mother’s Day for being a true mom - if only for a moment - and doing what she thought was best for her child… no matter how difficult, no matter the sacrifice, no matter if she never got thanks.

The back of this photo is labeled {in hospital} so it’s likely the day I met my “real” Mom for the first time when I was just a day or so old. And, to be honest, growing up, there was a lot she NEVER did…

She never did master pigtails… I got the ol' “barrette holding the bangs back” if I wanted my hair did.

She never did develop her culinary skills much beyond the casserole… if not for Hamburger Helper, we might have all starved.

She never did truly embrace my love for Duran Duran… to this day she can’t name all five members of the original band.

But most of all, of all the things she never did… she never made me feel adopted, unwanted, or unloved.

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!

Not flesh of my flesh, nor bone of my bone…

But still, miraculously my own.

I love you.

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