It's not bragging if someone says it for you...

Kelly, just wanted to say what a great job I think you are doing…
the communications are looking so much more professional!
We appreciate your efforts and talents.
Bonnie B.
I really like your tone and the new look. You are doing a super job!
Peggy M.
Kelly, I am consistently amazed by the personality you add to the emailed newsletter! Thanks so much!
Jenny M.
I look forward to and enjoy reading what you write every week.
Glenna S.
Hi Kelly, thanks for all your help with the communication about the Food Drive this month. We have had the best response that I've ever seen... you're the best!
Robert S.
Kelly, I love these bullet points about the newsletter. I used to delete the email but now I'm prepped. Keep up the enthusiastic commentary.
Reynolds M.
Hi Kelly! Thanks so much for the newsletter. Your messages always bring life to the printed words! Thanks SO much.
Jenny M.
You do an incredible job with this newsletter and the email. St. Anne's is very fortunate to have you on staff.
Robert S.
Best of luck with your new position. We are very happy for you and were blessed to have your skills while we did. You deserve this and will certainly do well there.
Art S.
Once again, you are amazing... you make me want to come see what's happening.
Ruthanna B.
Kelly, we’ll miss you very much – especially these wonderful weekly emails!
Melissa B.
No one will write the newsletter like you have!! You will be sorely missed!!!
Pat P.
You really made a difference in our little corner of the world. Congratulations on being a terrific addition to the staff and for bringing warmth, humor, and personality to the newsletter.
Betty Ann W.
Congratulations!!! The first issue of the newsletter is wonderful. I like the layout, the organization, the crispness of the text, the graphics, the size, and the content. It truly communicates what is going on at St. Paul's. Thanks so much for your hard work.
Muriel J.
Kelly, you are doing a great job. Father Wright is always singing your praises in our meetings.
Shun H.
The new format on the financials looked good. They received a couple of compliments.
Byron H.
What you bring is a breath of fresh air and sorely needed!
Lisa O.
The quality of your work speaks for itself.
+Robert W.